Friday, June 12, 2020

SIMPLE Sheep Barn Ideas // Updating our Barn for Sheep + (Greedy) Cows!��

Oops...Mike did it again.
This week we added yet another 2 sheep to our family farm, which now brings our herd of sheep up to 4 adorable, furry friends. (I won't even lie though...the sheep are my FAVORITE animal here on our farm.)
Being that we're located on 6 acres, we rotate our livestock between 3 pastures and we have to conserve as much space as possible. A few days ago, we moved two of the adult cows into the same pasture as the sheep...and let's just say: they're GREEDY!
In our latest video update, Mike installs a simple sheep barn idea that helps to keep the sheep and cows together still, but also prohibits the cows from getting into the sheep food. If you're in need of a budget friendly way to raise your sheep and cows together too, we'd love for you to watch and leave us your feedback!
God Bless -
The Tester Family

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Friday, June 5, 2020

An Efficient Pig Pen Setup!! // Best Pig Pen Design Plans (For NEW Pig F...

It's hard to believe that we started our farm, with just three little pigs, almost 2 years ago now.
We'll be the first to tell you that pig farming has been rewarding for us in so many ways, but it is also crucial to know exactly what you're getting into before you get started.

One of the questions we have gotten the most is "exactly how do you get started?"

The first step is in making sure you have an efficient pig pen set up. You want to have a well-thought out process for how you will care for your pigs, load and unload your pigs and potentially even raise them free-range, in order to give them the absolute best quality of life.

In our latest video, Mike gives a tour of our pig pen setup and provides the valuable lessons learned during our time as pig farmers. Whether you're a new pig farmer, searching for the best pig pen design plans or you just enjoy watching videos of cute little pigs on YouTube, we hope you take the time to check it out and leave us your feedback!

God Bless -
The Tester Family

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Guinea Fowl Raising // TIPS (We Wish We Were Told) For Raising Guinea Fo...

This is our FIRST time ever guinea fowl raising and in a very short amount of time, we have had to learn some hard but extremely valuable le...